

此次造訪西澳南部(south of West Australia) 除了登山 另一大目標就是欣賞西澳野花. 每年7月至11月 西澳遍地都會開滿五顏六色的野花 品種達12,000種之多 素有「野花之州」的美譽. 野花期間 花海一片 令人目不暇給 大開眼界. “有花堪折直須折,莫待無花空折枝” 但美麗的花朵折不起啊  罰金高達2000澳元. 行程不錯 唯到達稍遲 因此有些地方花已凋謝 另外是每日豔陽高照 實在太熱 因此行程有些縮減 另一點是澳洲地域遼闊 這次17 18天的行程開車達3600公里
這次行程共造訪11處 "1001 Natural Wonders" (世界1001奇景/特色)
Western Australia is home to more than 12,000 species of wildflowers. It has half of Australia’s 25,000 plant species and most of those are found nowhere else on earth. The wildflower season ranks as one of WA’s most fascinating and precious natural treasures, attracting thousands of tourists and scientists each year.

Botanic Garden and Synergy Parkland (in Kings Park)
Kings Park 相當遼闊 因此我們只造訪Western Australian Botanic Garden和Synergy Parkland

Western Australian Botanic Garden
Botanic Garden花卉眾多 僅摘選一些較有特色花樹和大家分享

beautiful mosaic at the entrance - Kangaroo Paw is the WA's state Floral Emblem

Kangaroo Paw 

清翠鮮明 非常吸引人 怪不得能成為西澳地區的

Spider Net Grevilleo

Qualup Bell

feather flower

Kelly and James busy for taking photos

Glass Trees

Banksia 是西澳有名的植物 種類很多 但花期已過 只能看到幾朵 往南行程會看到很鮮明的Banksia

南非引進的樹種 顯得特別粗獷

Gondwanan Relatives (南非花種) - resembling Banksia

樹根很奇特 裸露在外


Boab - 寶瓶樹 造型奇特 可適應乾燥地區因樹幹可儲存大量的水


這顆寶瓶樹大有來頭 還是遠從西澳極北耗七天才搬運到Kings Park
see the journey in the next photo

In July 2008 the Jumulu (Boab tree in Gija language) began its seven day journey from Warmun in the east Kimberley, travelling 3200 km south to its new home in Kings Park and Botanic Garden. The tree had to be removed to make way for roadworks. The complex removal of the 750 year old Jumulu took four days to complete, followed by the epic overland trip on board a 75 tonne truck through the Australian outback - the longest known land journey of a living tree of this size.

Lotterywest Federation Walkway也是Garden的一大特色
222米長16米高的空中步道 可以鳥瞰公園以及很好的視野

glass bridge

viewing from glass bridge 



Gallery Shop 裏面物品相當精美

Synergy Parkland
The Parkland features a 75m-long elevated walkway, a two-tiered island fort, large-scale replicas of local dinosaurs, a timber boardwalk and an interactive water misting forest.

這個park 融合了遊樂和教育於一體 每一物件都有很長的story

Lycopod Island

Replicas of the world's first trees, ancient lycopods, that existed about 1,200 million years ago. 
The trees are made from huge wooden poles that are carved to look and feel like lycopod trunks, with fronds cut from stainless steel.

Replica stromatolites - Stromatolites are lumpy, layered, living rocks that are built by slimy, microscopic life forms. They help changed the Earth's atmosphere from a poisonous environment to the oxygen-rich air we breathe today.

large-scale replicas of dinosaur 

large-scale replicas of dinosaur

Windy Walk - build with recycled materials, 75 metres long and up to 2.5 metres above ground.

Replica of the largest bird ever lived on Earth. The Bullockornis, an ancestor of the Cape Baron Goose that lived in Perth 30 million years ago

《明天會更好》(Tomorrow will be Better)

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