

Mount Stokes, Marlborough Sounds

Mt Stokes summit (1203 m), the highest point in the Marlborough Sounds  – a unique sub-alpine habitat with spectacular views. Also the forest  is very distinctive.
Mount Stokes is named after Captain John Stokes, who charted the entire New Zealand coastline between 1848 and 1851 in the survey ship Acheron, visiting the Sounds in 1849.

the track is quite undulated

這才像爬山 不像在Queen Charlotte Track那種康莊大道 好像在走街道

track scenes

good views at the Okoha Saddle

the forest scenes are quite attractive

mosses covered ground and trees when getting higher

distinctive scnes

impressive scenes

枝桠滿地 有若断壁残桓 但不覺满目凄凉 卻有一種另類的美

樹林東扭西歪枝掗交错 如入鬼欲 但不覺陰森可怕 只感到很吸引人 西方人會用'Misty goblin forest'來形容這種樹林

a high point just right the end of the forest

view north-western direction
Mt Kiwi (993m) and other (990)

Beatrix Bay (above) and Forsyth Bay, Piripaua Neck separate the bays

crossing over the fence and heading to the summit

at the summit (1203 m)

view western direction - Maud Island in the Tawhitinui Beach

frog coming


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