

Sawcut Gorge, Isolated Hill Scenic Reserve

The route is with splendid limestone gorges and formations. The most feature of the walk is the Sawcut Gorge - a 50-metre long limestone chasm,  150m high but in places is only two metres wide. It's a fantastic walk.

beautiful valley (Waima River) on the way to the Sawcut Gorge

lovely llama - 農家眷養的駝羊 非常溫馴

無數次過溪 因此有一半在溪流中行走




水質清澈 crystal clear water

湍流無數 countless rapids and cascades

elegant rapids

大石眾多 lots of large boulders

huge limestone rock 

美景連連 驚喜不斷

white limestone rocks

這趟Nelson之行 拍攝照片最多的一處

Kelly 也是忙著拍照

beautiful scenery

lots of attractive scenes

gorgeous scenery

有時遇到深潭 必需攀高越過

distinctive cliffs pattern

high cliffs

towering cliffs on both sides

spectacular scenes

finally we arrived at Sawcut Gorge

a 150m high splendid narrow gorge

only two metres wide in places

beyond Sawcut Gorge, the river becomes more turbulent

elegant scenes in places

returning back at the foot of the heill 

Dan Hill - Sometimes When We Touch

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