
t150 Pupu Spring, Pupu Hydro Walkway, Rawhiti Cave

Pupu Spring, Pupu Hydro Walkway, 
and Rawhiti Cave Track
Pupu Spring

informative board at the entrance of Pupu Spring walkway

elegant boardwalk

the famous Pupu Spring

Clear Water of Pupu Sprigs 

Pupu Springs - The world's most clear fresh water springs
Pure water rushing out of underground springs forming a huge river
The flow is large but not constant, between 7  and 21 cubic metres per second

beautiful scenery

Pupu Hydro Walkway

The Golden Bay’s first official walkway - A wider range of interests – scenery, history, plant life, rock-hounding, engineering ingenuity

full journey - turn left at the powerhouse and take the steadily graded track all the way to the stream

viewing from the lookout

over the bridge to the intake water 

intake water

water is channeled down the water race from intake weir

water race  in  earth and stone wall canal and  wooden or concrete aqueducts

engineering ingenuity - more than three kilometres the water race was built in 1901-1902 It was completed in six months by eight men and amazing engineering feats were accomplished

the narrow boardwalk along the water race is quite distinctive 

the water dropped in pipes 123 metres to give the gold sluicers  enough pressure

steeply zig-zagging down to the carpark

Rawhiti Cave Track
an ancient cave with its enormous entrance studded with thousands of coloured stalactites
Rawhiti cave is a national significant example of phytokart. Phytokart is a phenomenon where plants and calcium work together to 'grow' stalactites andstalagmites. The phytokart features seen here at Rawhiti are rare in New Zealand caves.

這是一個非常巨大的岩洞 照相機沒法捕捉它的全貌 我們也必需把頭轉來去 才能看到全景 垂釣著數千各種顏色的鐘乳石確實壯觀震撼 只能用awesome (extremely impressive)一字來形容

crossing Dry River to enter the track entrance 

track along the river

walking allong the valley

track scenes

towering cliffs on the opposite of the river

steeply zig-zagging up to the cave

Rawhiti Cave - see only portion of the cave
No photograph we took could do it justice as it was so vast and so full of long

plant life and then calcium covers it -
the stalactites become bigger and bigger
plant mosaic
the variety of colours visible on the rear wall of the cave come from the alage growing there
the scenes viewing from outside 

inside of the cave - you may feel its huge A LITTLE!

scenes inside the cave

viewing from the cave

謝華達邦 Chamras Saewataporn - Butterflies Flowers

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