

Wharariki Beach, Cape Farewell, and Fossile Point walk

Wharariki Beach

The Wharariki Beach is the most spectacular coastline in the region, with its caverns, islands, sand dunes and long stretch of beach.
Wharariki Beach是 Takaka地區的熱門景點 但卻是相當難伺候 必需沒有霧 風不大 潮汐要對 第一次去無風但 到了海邊就折返  第二次 待霧散了 風已漸強 也開始漲潮 因此雖然看到了archway 但沒有再前進看到更壯觀的archway(另一方向)

Because of not good management of Apex car rental, we encountered a big trouble. Fortunately, Ian and Liz of Farewell Gardens (www.farewellgardens.co.nz) provided a great help to solve the problem. We really appreciated Ian and Liz for their help.

a beautiful scene on the way to Wharariki Beach

heading to the beach

Wharariki Beach is a popular spot

beautiful farmland scene

Wharariki Beach usually with strong wind which caused plants in an interesting scene

track scene

heading to the beach

extensive sand dunes

massive sand dune

beach scenes

horses trekking on the beach

interesting sand dune pattern


the magnificent archway on the beach
we couldn't walk further (strong wind)  to view the much more spectacular archway


viewing from the cavern

good memory

Cape Farewell

a spectacular scene - Cape Farewell is the northernmost part of the South Island

Fossile Point walk

walking Inner Beach, Vehicle Track, Ocean Beach and Triangle Flat
Having a detour to the Fossil Point 

elegant Inner Beach

Vehicle Track

Ocean Beach is a little bit wild because of usually strong wind

massive sand dunes

beach scenes

meeting the huge black rock, the turning point to the Triangle Flat

walking through forest and farmland then back the carpark

having a detour to the Fossil Point

beautiful scenes around Fossil Point

RDon't let the sun go down on me-Elton John


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for your encouragement. The morning usually frog. Visited Pupu Spring and Pupu Hydro Walking before got to Wharariki Beach.
