

Muriwai Regional Park

As well as the spectacular scenery and the gannets, there is a  black sand beach and good playground. It's suitable for the whole family. We visted all circled areas.
何需千里迢迢到Napier觀賞塘鵝 從Auckland只要30分鐘車程就可到達 不僅可欣賞宏偉景觀及塘鵝雄姿 更有細緻沙灘和設施完善的遊樂場 是一個闔家出遊的好去處

Kelly with her two grandsons, Mikey and Jamie, heading to the Takapu Refuge Walk.
看到Kelly臉上滿足的笑容 就知道什麼叫含飴弄孫之樂

It was quite windy and so lots of people were surfing on the waves

Water flows in and out of an inlet

Turbulent waves lap the rocky coastline
Walking down to the Flat Rock
Strong waves poured the rocky shoreline
Oaia Island, a New Zealand Fur Seal colony, in the distance
The Flat Rock is very expansive
活潑好動的Mikey永遠衝第一 雖然平台夠大 但還是要非常注意安全

The Northern Point, one of the gannets' refuges, is located above the cliff
Fishermen cast lines in the water, with Oaia Island in the background
Jason and Mikey watching the spectacular Motutara Island, the main gannet refuge
An impressive scene - Motutara Island and Southern Point, with gannets flying past.
渾厚雄偉的景觀 波濤洶湧的浪潮 以及在天空中飛翔的塘鵝雄姿 是很難從照片中表達出其中的感動和震撼
A high point on the way to the first viewing Platform. Gannets spread from the rocks up to the grass slopes
Arrived at the first viewing Platform. The Northern Point is just below the platform
A spectacular scene viewed from the first platform
Interesting data on the Australasian Gannet:
Wingspan - 180 cm
Overall length - 90 cm
A single egg is laid with incubation time - 44 days
Chicks stay in the colony until February/March
Then the birds migrate to Australia, to return after 2-6 years. Only about 25% of birds return to the colony.
After weeks of furious flapping of wings on land, the first flight of the juvenile birds takes them to their destination more than 2000 km away.
實在很難想像 出生不久的小塘鵝就要接受飛行到2000公里之遙澳洲的考驗 在外面流浪2到6年後 再回到這裏的出生地傳宗接代 但卻只有4分之1回來 這也許就是這種鳥類延續繁榮的主因

A gannet lands and looks for a mate

Gannets in love - a mating ritual

view from the second Platform, with the Southern Point just below
A close-up view of Motutara Island

We enjoyed a picnic near the car park
Everyone enjoyed the food, especially the children

An amusing time after lunch. Jamie with songs and Mikey beating a dumn.
飯後餘興節目 歌星Jamie和鼓手Mikey的無間演出
Heading down to Maori Bay

Beach scene at Maori Bay, including cave
At high tide, you can not enter the cave because water flows in and out swiftly
A group photo in front of the cave
Mikey poses on the log
Oaia Island behind the turbuent waves
A group photo on a large rock in the sand, with water surrounding
A strategy is reviewed to get back to the beach in the high tide
The children enjoy running in bare feet on the sandy beach and over the rocks
A fantastic scene - Large fan-shaped features on the cliffs at Maori Bay. These are believed to be the main feeder tubes that supplied molten lava to the advancing front of the flow, all under the sea at that time.
枕状熔岩(Pillow Lava) - 枕狀熔岩是火山在水下噴發形成的,外形渾圓形似堆疊在一起的枕頭。 當熔岩從水下流出時,由於快速的冷卻使熔岩流表面形成韌性的固體外殼。 隨著熔岩流內部壓力增大,外殼破裂,就會像擠牙膏一樣,擠出新的熔岩,隨後再次形成外殼。 如此循環往復,便產生的枕狀熔岩。
Before going home, the children played in a playground near the car park
Mikey succeeds with rock climbing
Mikey in the spider web
Jamie is very cute enjoying himself

The children play with a lot of joyfulness
Richard Clayderman-Memories of Childhood 兒時回憶

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