

Auckland Zoo
上週末沒去爬山 我倆返老還童 學小小朋友逛奧克蘭動物園 奧克蘭動物園幅員不大 動物也不多 但規劃不錯 我們共費時4.5 Hours
看動物憑機緣 有些動物躲在樹叢裏或是夜行動物很難看到 有些動物在籠子裏可以看到 但很難拍攝到
Home to 138 different species and over 875 animals, Auckland Zoo has the largest collection of native and exotic animals in New Zealand. Including trails of Tiger Territory, Aussie Walkabout, Primate Trail, Hippo River, Pridelands, KidZone, and Te Wao Nui.
Tiger Territory
Come face to face with Oz
Sumatran tigers are the smallest and stripiest tiger. There are only 400 Sumatran tigers left in the wild!
大型動物如獅虎豹在動物園裏都是懶洋洋 不愁吃不愁住看似好命 但動物本身又是怎麼想?
Aussie Walkabout
close some of Australia's indigenous animals
the emu - the second biggest bird in the world
澳洲Emu 僅次於駝鳥的禽類
parrots - use bright colours and loud voices to communicate with each other

American alligators, a wetland wonder - they can swim underwater and keep their eyes out of it!
Galapagos tortoises - 這種巨龜 若未遇天敵 壽命可達120歲
Japanese Garden
This traditional Japanese Garden was constructed as a joint venture by the Auckland City Council and its sister city of Fukuoka, Japan.

elegant garden

good photo spot
Primate Trail
see some of the Zoo's most fascinating primates (靈長類動物)
Golden lion tamarin
Hunted for their beautiful golden fur and with 95% of their rainforest habitat destroyed by humans, golden lion tamarins are an endangered primate.
Spider monkey
a spider monkey tail is  grasps like a hand.
squirrel monkey
ring-tailed (尾部有環紋的) lemurs soaking up the sun
Siamang gibbon 似在沉思 狀似老僧 但吼起來卻是非常嚇人
Meerkats - ‘dark sunglasses’ the meerkats are wearing!
站得筆直 是為警戒敵蹤
雖無敵蹤 但已成為本能
Hippo River
a reminiscent of Africa's marshy wetlands
Cheetah are the fastest animals on four legs. They can chase their prey at speeds of over 110 km/h for short distances.

flock of flamingos (紅鶴)

beautiful reflection
a mini safari, immersing yourself in the sights, sounds and smells of Africa
African lion - Lions are the largest carnivore in Africa. Lionesses hunt together
Lions sleep about 20 hours a day –that makes 4 hours for eating and everything else
New Zealand's only Asian elephant

rhino (犀牛)
giraffe (長頸鹿)

a fun and fascinating place for children to explore the world of the Zoo's domestic animals


可愛小動物 小朋友最愛
Te Wao Nui
Offering both locals and tourists a truly unique and immersive experience of New Zealand's animals, plants and culture in a way. Including zones of Rainforest, The Coast, The Islands, The Wetlands, The Night, The Forest, and The High Country. Except of seeing some animals, enjoying beauty scenes.

Antipodes Island parakeet
Otago skink
Kea are the world’s only mountain parrot.
Kea 有高智商 但卻是好奇寶寶
longfin eels - it's one of the largesteels in the world. They are a truly remarkable fish, able to travel overland for up 2 days by breathing through their skin!
quite beautiful scenes at Te Wao Nui...

ABBA - Fernando

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